2010年11月10日 星期三

莊孝維的 System Hooks

原來 hook driver沒法被console application呼叫始用,從頭到尾都沒錯誤訊息,hook process就是進不來,浪費了我一整天時間測試,Windows Form就沒問題。

How To Hook Console Applications and the Desktop

Under Windows NT, system hooks are limited in two situations: hooking console windows and hooking the desktop.

Because of the current design of the console and the fact that its user interface runs in the Win32 server, Windows NT does not support hook calls in the context of console applications. Thus, if application A sets a system-wide input hook and text is typed in a console window, application A's input hook will not be called. The same is true for every type of Windows hook except for journal record and journal playback hooks.

